Using Urban Design to Achieve Happy, Equitable Cities | May 14, 2015
See All Photos From The EventCharles Montgomery, urban experimentalist and author of Happy City, believes that happiness should be a city’s primary goal for its residents. His research and experiments show that trust and positive social connections are imperative ingredients for urban happiness. But U.S. cities have been “designing social connections out of our lives” for the past half-century. Even in dense cities where people live close together, we manage to stay confined to our own cars and homes.
As populations grow and cities become even more dense, Montgomery asks: How can we build more sociability, and thus more happiness, into cities of the future? What kinds of choices would residents make if we felt more trust and empathy towards our neighbors? What other goals can we meet – like strengthening our economies or combating climate change – if we prioritize happiness?
We explored these questions and more with Charles Montgomery at this Inspire Speakers Series. Charles was joined on stage by Chris Koch, CEO of the Design Center in Pittsburgh. Where Charles offers examples and experiments from happy cities around the world, Koch offers local opportunities for addressing happiness through the lenses of sustainability, equity, and livability.
About Our Speakers:

Charles Montgomery

Chris Koch

Peter Walker