Joel Glanzberg
Joel is a tracker and teacher of patterns in landscapes, and has focused on the integration of humans in their place. He works to help people learn to understand their places and how to live in them as inhabitants and co-creators. Drawing from two or three decades of experience in permaculture, traditional tracking, martial arts practice, as well as living systems thinking, he helps people to see and think as nature does and to solve problems by finding the “difference that makes a difference.” An active author and educator in the fields of permaculture and ecological restoration, he is skilled in cross-cultural communication and teaching. Joel has taught throughout the U.S., South and Central America as well as Africa, and worked with a number of Native American tribes and communities. His research has focused on the application of patterns and the integration of traditional agricultural/agro-forestry techniques and species from dryland areas world-wide.
Classes and projects have spanned four continents including writing the living systems portion of green building standards for Abu Dhabi, co-writing regional sustainability and economic plans, designing several thousands of acres of farm and forest lands, watershed wide restoration projects, as well as the well-known Flowering Tree homestead, the development of Regenesis Collaborative, and ecological arts projects with internationally known artists Helen and Newton Harrison. His work has been chronicled in the books: Designing for Hope, Gaia’s Garden, and A People’s Ecology. For more information visit:, and